12 June 2011

G65: @ Toronto

Can we pull off two away-series sweeps? Lester (shaky lately) versus young Drabek...we'll find out. Monday's an off day and Tuesday we'll start a series in Tampa Bay.

I hope Allan, Laura, and guests are enjoying their get together today.

EDIT: Whoops, this thread wasn't necessary!


Zenslinger said...

And we begin with an Evil HR!

Zenslinger said...

All right, Youk. He has a knack for pulling that single through the left side of the infield when he needs to (although I'm GDGD'ing it.)


Zenslinger said...

Salty's holding steady around .240 BA / .720 OPS. That's respectable for a catcher.

Yanks up 1-0; TB up 3-0.

Zenslinger said...

"Jon Lester has a perfect game going," I muttered to my wife.

Then? Bautista homer. Ow.

Zenslinger said...

FY HR. 5-1. Guess the offense is doing all right.

Spiders miserably fail to score. Still 1-0.

And now Ortiz with YET ANOTHER dong. 8-1. Damn!

Zenslinger said...

The inning so far:

Ellsbury single
FY dong
EB double
Passed balla
Youk walk
Wild pitch
Ortiz HR
Drabek releived
Crawford single

Still no outs.

Zenslinger said...

Add a Salty single.

Spiders escape bases loaded with a DP. Still 1-0.